In the ten years of selecting a Word of the Year, this has to be the one I struggled most in identifying the perfect word for me. Therein lies much of the problem. Perfect. I had slipped into my old perfection mode, forcing the selection process by exploring my head; weighing and balancing like the double Libra that I am. I intuitively knew I needed to let it flow from that place where truth resides; my heart and my gut and be mindful to what showed up around me.
The word Light actually arose a good month before I began the process and my overthinking kept shoving it aside like a pesky little irritant to getting down to the real business of my word of the year ritual. I was at lunch with a group of people and somehow the conversation turned to New Year’s resolutions. I explained, “I stopped making them ten years ago and instead select a Word to guide my year. Back then, the practice was barely known, whereas now days everyone has jumped on the band wagon, even Melinda Gates.” I went on to say, “There are websites dedicated to helping you pick the word that resonates with you complete with quizzes, tests, and social media groups created to share your word. Word of the Year is big business now.” I went on, “Of course, I did not invent this practice, but, I sure feel like a pilgrim of sorts, an eleven year veteran now, helping to establish the value in lightening the load of shame and feeling like a failure as inevitably broken resolutions and dreams lie scattered over the landscape at year’s end. Resolutions just aren't sustainable for most of us. The word is so much easier and I always see positive growth and changes unfold as a result. In fact, the serendipity of it all seems that my word leads me to the next plateau the following year, fully prepared to continue the work of growing my soul.” “Huh, interesting, someone said, So, what is your word for 2020.” Without hesitation, I blurted out, “Light.” Everyone looked as puzzled as I felt. Just what DID that mean? Light? I hadn't a clue. I shoved it aside.
Maybe it should be Trust, I thought later. I’ve struggled with that all year. Or, Health? God knows my attempts over the last five years have continually fallen short in sustaining a program of well-being. Then I remembered progress not perfection and put away the switches. At least I had been trying. Mindful popped up out of nowhere. I was a bit embarrassed to admit, I seem to prefer the mindless recently, junk television and an attention span of a toddler, just to dull the chaos of politics, negativity,fear, and the world around me this year.
I kept coming back to that word, Light. With every online quiz I took, every word cloud layout I came across, even books or articles I was reading, there was that word, Light, boldly jumping up and down like an excited kindergartener shouting “pick me, pick me.”
New Years Day a frustrated me, did sit in meditation. As so often happens because I have yet to reach the level of Nirvana, a quote sort of did a French can-can kick-line across the back of my closed eyes. I laughed out loud. It was something I ALWAYS misquoted as a child and was subsequently chastised and corrected for. Honestly, I thought my version was better, but never voiced that belief for fear of being struck dead and cast into the pit of hell, fire and brimstone. Who was I, a six year old girl, to reinterpret the Bible! But I liked my version better and I still do.
I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light.
Life was good, but so was Light! What's life if you are living in darkness and Light casts out darkness. Light is where the Truth is found. Light reveals and Light is reality. Light is knowledge- as in enlightenment. In Christianity we decorate with lights to symbolize Jesus as the light of the world. The Jewish Holiday of Hanukkah uses the Menorah and other rituals to celebrate the miracle of lights and hope. In Buddhism it is the spiritual and divine, light and intelligence. It is the sun and the avenger of darkness.
It is universal.

Bring it 2020! Boom! You Light up my life.
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